Cozy, sunny n quiet chalet

Sant Vicenç dels Horts , Spain

Property Property Property Property

Restrictions & Rules

Males allowed: Yes
Females allowed: Yes
Couples allowed: Yes
Pets allowed: No
Smoking allowed: No
Overnight visits allowed: No
LGBT Friendly: Yes

Provider Rental Conditions

Pricing & Policies

  • €700 /Month
  • Maximum 2 Person
  • Minimum Stay 1 Month


  • Water Included
  • Electricity Included
  • Internet Included


  • Type Security deposit
  • Paid to Accommodation Provider
  • Value €300


It’s a many wood´s details SHARED CHALET, comfortable, wz a good dining room surrounded by windows that overlook da patio & da Argentine style barbecue of which a private bedroom´s available 4 Long Term Rentals (1 Month minimum).

Free use of an external covered storage room is offered 4 empty suitcases if needed.


It has a patio whose floor has been recently refurbished & a pool at da moment out of service.

Da train line leads 2 Plaza España (Spain Square) in Barcelona, from where take on several subway & buses lines, where there's da Arenas mall into an old arena & Montjuic's Cable Car access.

Guest's attention: da host & da landlord r completely at guest's disposal.


Shared TV set

Multi-format & multi-zone DVD player; Android player 4 USB flash memories & external portable HDDs

Free 24/7 600 Mb Wi-Fi Fiber optic (PSK2 Key)

Available 4 long stays (1 Month minimum)

Air conditioner cold / warm

Furnished bedroom

Exterior view of da mountains & da city

Desk & chair comfortable 2 work wz laptops, inside da bedroom

Bolt on da bedroom door

Core items

Iron, washing machine, ironing board

Washing machine & dishwasher (available from 22:00 or 23:00 hs under da electric contract depending on climate seasons)


Additional sheets, pillows & blankets

Towels, liquid soap & toilet paper


Hot water


Free street's parking 4 cars, in da garage 4 motorcycles; if u need help 4 supermarkets, hi-tech stores, etc., there's no problem at all

Path 2 da well-lit entrance

Wide entry

Main access wz steps

Toilet wz accessible height

Fire extinguisher

SHARED dining, living & laundry room

SHARED electric kitchen available 4 da guests use

Services & common areas

Guest's reception

135 X 90 cm Storage bed's double bedroom

There's a SHARED bathroom locking ONLY from inside wz a double shower.

Additional amenities

Outdoor area

All expenses (except cleaning services fees) included

Landlord / host lives in da property

Additional rules

No smoking inside

No parties (outload music, etc.)

Friendships reunions allowed (lunches, dinners, barbecue, etc,)

Children n pets unallowed

All regular bills included

Additional fees & charges

Damage deposit

Damages'deposit: € 300.00- via PayPal

Deposit refund: check-out day via PayPal.

Check-in & check-out times

Check-in from 10:00 to 20:00

Check-out from 08:00 to 10:00

Guest address details

Guests don't have 2 provide their complete address details when they book, just Country of residence & spoken languages (if they don't speak Castilian) + their valid ID's copies 4 local police.

Guests must provide a working WhatsApp # at bookin' time

Age limits: 18 - 65

No curfew

Chalet isn't equipped 4 wheelchair guests even if they're welcum.

Guest ll b charged da total price if they cancel at any time.

Full payment at da booking time.

There's no capacity 4 extra beds in da bedroom.

Local connections Llobregat Line – Anoia (Plaza España / Sant Vicenç Dels Horts)

Zone 1 ticketing system.

Da lines that stop at that stations r da S8 (Martorell link), S33 (from Can Ros) & S4 (Olesa De Montserrat).

Since February 9, 2008, da R5 / R50 (Manresa) & R6 / R60 (Igualada) lines also stop in da town; securing da so-called subway of da Lower Llobregat.

Da municipality is connected by bus through lines L60, L61 & L62 wz da rest of da region.

In addition, several lines stop next 2 da Cuatro Caminos station (N-340), such as lines 518, 560, L50 & L57.

There's also a new line linking da town of Torrellas wz da San Vicente de los Huertos train stop, replacing da previous L62M.

Da concessionary companies of da daytime interurban bus service r Soler n Sauret, n Autocorb(in da case of lines from Corbera of Llobregat).

L60: Inaugurated on 19/11/2010, & which allows going from da Vincentian population 2 da new Saint John Despí´s hospital - TV3(start-end) through Molins de Rei & San Feliú de Llobregat .

L61: San Baudilio De Llobregat – San Vicente De Los Huertos – Francisco Macià(Barcelona)

L62: Torrellas – Collblanc (Barcelona) L50: Vallirana – Collblanc (Barcelona)

L57: Vallirana – Francisco Macià (Barcelona) L71: Torrellas – San Vicente De Los Huertos

518: Corbera – Molins de Rei – Barcelona 560: Corbera – Molins de Rei – Regional hospital

It has 4 return expeditions from Barcelona at 00:29 (N41), 01:16 (N51), 03:07 (N41), 04:07 (N51) Nite Bus (NitBus).

It stops in da vicinity of da stables Panadés & da CEIP Juncadella in San Vicente de los Huertos.

Da stops in Barcelona r in da round of da university (between da Catalonia Square & University Square) & in Spain Square (on da Gran Vía at #371's height).

N41: Barcelona – San Sadurní de Noya

N51: Barcelona – Esparraguera

Da municipality has an Urban bus service, called SantviBus, wz minimum pass frequencies of 1 hour.

Da line 4 this house is da SV3, stop Rosario (then u´ve 2 walk 'bout 500 meters uphill).

Da service´s licensee is Alsa.

It´s expected that in da future, da T3 TramBaix line ll reach Cuatro Caminos by the N-340 bridge or by the construction of a pedestrian bridge south of da national road.

There´s a taxi rank near da town hall.

Private transport

Da San Vicente De Los Huertos´ municipality can b accessed from da BV-2002 road (also called da San Baudilio De Llobregat road), which connects da municipality wz San Baudilio De Llobregat.

Almost in parallel, da BV-2208 or Jacinto Verdaguer street runs through da interior of da municipality, which, next 2 Barcelona street, is 1 of da main arteries of communication & commerce.

2 da north runs da N-340, which connects wz Cuatro Caminos to da AP-2 / B-23 & da Lower Llobregat Motorway, da A-2through Pallejá.

2 da south is da BV-2005 or Torrellas road which ends at da viaduct of San Vicente De Los Huertos (which connects wz da A-2 & da AP-2 / B-23).

We suggest don't use bicycle 2 climb till our property or if u wanna do so use mountain bikes n bein' in perfect health status (legs, hearth & lungs) or gym entrained.

It's a pleasant neighborhood wz a view of da town & da mountains; there's a bus line nearby that leads 2 da train station, da local mall, McDonald’s restaurant & da 2 main supermarkets (Aldi & Mercadona); it also passes through da communal open pool.

Da city of San Vicente De Los Huertos has its 1st signs of civilization in da Iberians´time.

A clear example is found in da mountain of Puig Castellar, in which some remains of an old town r conserved.

Despite this, da majority of preserved remains correspond 2 da end of da Roman period.

In 2007, a Roman furnace, a wine production centre & some amphoras (IV-V d.C.) were discovered, located in da basement of da Les Voltes Public Library.

Da following signs of population r from da beginning of da 1st millennium.

Da municipality, encompassed in da territory belonging 2 da barony of Cervelló, was formerly known as Garrosa (955), from, it's said, a female anthroponym.

This name appears in da year 959 wz da form of Villagarrosa, & since then fell into disuse & gave rise 2 "ipsos Ortos Chometales" (986), or Sant Vicenç "ad ipsos Ortos Chometales" in honor of property under da regime of real estate that Count Ramón Borrell delivered 2 da Count of Barcelona (1017) & da monastery of San Cugat del Vallès.

Wz these names it can b deduced that da Llobregat valley has been plagued by cultivated fields.

San Vicente de los Huertos has a varied architectural heritage, wz outstanding presence of farmhouses representing da agricultural past of da municipality.

There's also a building dating from da 14th century, da Friars Mill, which dates back 2 1315.

After that, Can Pujador & da Baroque church of Saint Vincent martyr were built at da beginning of da 17th century, a time when da noble decline & da application of Decrees of New Plant, dictated by Felipe V (1716) led 2 da Vincentian repression, & of da XVI Century it's Can Coast that still conserve their engravings & sgraffito.

A reason that reflects this repression was da collapse of da Cervelló´s Old Castle by da Bourbon troops in 1716.

Other interesting constructions r da building of da Town Hall & Can Dalmau – both of modernist period, da Ateneu, Can Comamala or da Café Carbonell – building of 1871.

From da 1st years of da 20th century, da 1st great wave of wealthy people from Barcelona who built their houses arrived in da town.

At that time da styles that were projected by da architects were modernism & Noucentisme (forming da area known as Poble Nou – New Town, near da station of San Vicente de los Huertos), much of these works have been demolished.

Da next demographic change occurred during da 1960s when da exodus of people from regions wz lower per capita income from da rest of Spain moved 2 large cities & neighborhoods.

Inside da festive calendar, in San Vicente de los Huertos highlights da representation of a sacramental car that´s made during da month of march.


Muerde la pasta (Bite the pasta)

Located at Lower Llobregat av., Cornellà de Llobregat, CT, 08940

Known 4 ... Restaurant, Families, Budget-friendly

& Muerde la pasta is YR restaurant. Any pasta u wanna repeat as many times as u want, drinks & desserts included in da menu. Ll u miss it? & NOT JUST PASTA Look at da buffet Salads, pizzas, meats, fish, vegetable garnishes, gnocchi, rice, specialties 4 children ..., more than 150 recipes of Italian-Mediterranean inspiration. Would u like 2?

Halal Kebab

Located at da following address: 76 San Baudilio de Llobregat Street, San Vicente de los Huertos, CT, 08620

Known 4 ... Restaurant, Peace & quiet, Families, Budget-friendly

Restaurant Bar da Lighthouse (El faro)

Located in San Vicente de los Huertos, CT, 08620

Known 4 ... Restaurant, Peace & quiet, Families, Budget-friendly

Magnificent barbecue accompanied by a good salad

(unfortunately, accompanied by onion & green pepper), very good potatoes on da grill & delicious beans in olive oil. It´s worth highlighting da olives wz tomatoes & toast. Not 2 mention da Alhambra non-alcoholic beer. Price 4 2 people: € 35.60-.

Optimal customer service & card payment at da table with a cordless phone (activated by da contactless function & payments wz da mobile).


Located at 2 De les Planes av., San Vicente de los Huertos, CT, 08620

Known 4 ... Restaurant, Peace & quiet, Budget-friendly

Terrace Comfortable Casual


Saint Roque´s hermitage

Located at 2 Hermitage Raval street in San Vicente de los Huertos, CT, 08620

Known 4 ... Point of Interest, Touristy

Small chapel built in 1946 on the occasion of a serious epidemic of typhoid fever that ravaged da city this fall-fall, killing 33 people. Since then, a popular pilgrimage has been established every year 2 weeks after da festival.

San Vicente de los Huertos Catholic Centre

Located in San Vicente de los Huertos, CT, 08620

Known 4 ... Point of Interest, Touristy

Da Catholic Centre: in da street of Torres & Bages, 1-3. It`s da seat of da centenary entity which bears da same name. Construction began in 1919 & was inaugurated on July 30, 1923.

Da building is part of modernism, but we´ve no trace of da architect. Note da verticality of da building & da brick columns visible in da facade.

Can Comamala

Located in San Vicente de los Huertos, CT, 08620

Known 4 ... Point of Interest, Touristy

Domingo Comamala Sala, originally from Gerona, settled in San Vicente de los Huertos in 1909. Da name of da street M.C. Verdaguer was proposed by M. Comamala.

He first built da textile factory & in 1918 he added da apartment 2 live.

In 1922, Mr. Comamala built four houses in the gardens of his property (Verdaguer, 97-103), and Joseph Masdéu & Puigdemasa was in charge of da project.

In 1923, he asked 4 permission 2 build da set of houses in Instrial street.

Da houses located between numbers 100-106 Verdaguer street were built in 2 projects. Da first 1, in 1924, with 2 houses; & da second 1, in 1925, wz da other 2.

Athenaeum Square

Located at Athenaeum Square, San Vicente de los Huertos, CT, 08620

Known 4 ... Point of Interest, Touristy

In da river´ street.

Da building was inaugurated in 1923 & was da seat of da Athenaeum family, an association that arose as a division of a few members of La Vicentina.

Legend has it that da split was due 2 a scandal that resulted in a performance & the pianist's dismissal. Wz him, a group of young people left & began 2 meet 2 make room 4 da new entity.

In accordance wz da regulations approved on November 10, 1923, da main function of Athenaeum was 2 promote culture among its members through education.

San Vicente de los Huertos Town Hall

Located in da town square, San Vicente de los Huertos, CT, 08620

Known 4 ... Point of Interest, Touristy

Town Hall - It´s located on da Town Square.

This building was inaugurated in 1927 by da municipal architect Melcior Viñals.

It features decorative wrought iron elements applied 2 da corbels of da balcony & glazed ceramics.

It´s accessed by a staircase wz a balustrade also decorated wz floral motifs in series.

On da upper floor, on da left side of da building, there´s a turret decorated wz green glazed ceramic sheets & battlements.

Inside da building, it´s worth highlighting da use of wrought iron &, as a period, da lights of da plenary hall.

Can Pujador Residence

Located at da following address: 2 Albacete Street, San Vicente de los Huertos, CT, 08620.

Known 4 ... Point of Interest, Touristy

Da John Salavert´s work from 1679 is 1 of the most important farms in da town coz of its architectural characteristics.

There r various engravings preserved on da windows & sgraffito on & facade.

Can Mallol in da mountain

Located in San Vicente de los Huertos, CT, 08620

Known 4 ... Point of Interest, Tourist

Ancient center of production & farming dating back 2 da high Roman imperial period.

Friar Mills

Located at the following address: 1 C Street, San Vicente de los Huertos, CT, 08620.

Known 4 ... Point of Interest, Touristy

Friar Mills - Year 1315

Art and culture

Spanish village

Located at the following address: 13 Francis Ferrer & Guàrdia Street, Barcelona, CT, 08038

Known 4 ... Museum, beginnings, incredible views, romance, groups, families, tourism

Da Spanish Village is an open-air architectural museum located on da mountain of Montjuic in da city of Barcelona (Spain), a few meters from da Montjuic´s Magic Fountains.

It´s a museum that offers contemporary art, architecture, crafts & gastronomy.

Da site is made up of 117 large-scale buildings, which constitute an Iberian village wz its streets, houses, squares, theater, school, restaurants & artisan workshops.

Da museum occupies a total area of 49,000 m² & reproduces on a large scale various

buildings, squares &streets representative of various Spanish cities.

Basic elements:

Daily groceries everyday, like shopping or doing laundry

San Vicente de los Huertos´s Fresh laundry

Located at da following address: 49 Mossèn Jacint Verdaguer Street, San Vicente de los Huertos, CT, 08620

Known 4 ... Laundry & dry cleaning

Self-service "fresh laundry" laundries r da most efficient, cost effective & productive currently available on da market.

Current, comfortable & functional.


Located at da following address: 24 Claverol Street, San Vicente de los Huertos, CT, 08620.

Known 4 ... Supermarket, families

In 1993, da Company implemented a strategy called Always Low Prices (SPB), which aims 2 keep product prices low without reducing quality.

Removing ads & offers so da consumer feels like u ll always find low prices, no matter when u buy.

Instead than negotiating wz suppliers 2 reduce da price of da product through long-term contracts, they resort 2 so-called integrated suppliers, which bring together several dozen companies that decide 2 produce 4 Mercadona, products sold under da supermarket brand. .

Wz this objective in 1996, Mercadona created Hacendado, Green Wood, Deliplus & Compy.

English language website available.


Located at da following address: 22-24 Claverol Street, San Vicente de los Huertos, CT, 08620.

Known & ... Groceries, adjusted budget

They r a little different from da rest of da supermarkets, but don't worry they have what u r looking 4.

Da best guarantee is that those who try it ll repeat themselves.

More than 270 stores r waiting 4 u to make yr purchase wz maximum convenience.

Therefore, they´ve parking spaces & their stores have a similar distribution, wz wider corridors & large signage, so that in & Aldi store always make your purchase in an agile way. yr stores can always make a complete purchase, fill da refrigerator or pantry, find everything u need 4 yr hygiene & that of yr home &, moreover, surprise u every week.

Leisure & shows

Barcelona´s Aquàrium

Located at da Old Harbor, Barcelona, CT, 08039

Known 4 ... aquariums & zoos, rainy days, early days, peace & quiet, amazing views, groups, families, tourists

Da Barcelona´s Aquàrium, located at da Old Harbor of Barcelona, is da main & only large aquarium in da city & in Catalonia.

In addition, it´s da most important center in da world wz a Mediterranean theme.

Da complex, which was opened in 1995, comprises 35 different aquariums containing around 11,000 animals belonging 2 450 different species.

Yelmo Cinemas Icaria

Located in Barcelona, CT, 08005

Known 4 ... Cinema, Rainy days, Peace & quiet, Romanticism

Comfortable rooms; films in original language wz Spanish subtitles; sweetened popcorns.

Online ticket sale by credit/debit cards.


  • Bedroom 1
  • Living Room 1
  • Kitchen 1
  • Bathroom 1

Gas installation

  • Piped Gas
  • Bottled Gas

The bedroom

  • Ensuite No

Additional Amenities

  • Outdoor area
  • Wi-fi
  • Accessibility
  • Air conditioning
  • Cable TV
  • Central heating
  • Cleaning included
  • Landlord lives in the property

The bedroom - Features

  • Double Bed
  • Chairs
  • Lock
  • TV
  • Single Bed
  • Wardrobe
  • Balcony
  • Sofa-bed
  • Bed linen
  • Window
  • Table

Living Room - Features

  • Chairs
  • Window
  • Sofa-bed
  • Sofa
  • Coffee table
  • TV
  • Desk
  • Balcony
  • Table

Kitchen - Features

  • Chairs
  • Dryer
  • Fridge
  • Oven
  • Window
  • Dishes & cutlery
  • Balcony
  • Pots & pans
  • Washing machine
  • Stove

Bathroom - Features

  • Toilet
  • Shower
  • Window
  • Sink
  • Bath tub
  • Linen

Additional Rules

No smokiing inside the house No parties (outloud music, etc.) Friendships reunions allowed (lunches, dinners, barbecue, etc,) Kitchen use included. All regular bills included. Cleaning fees: € 200,00- monthtly for a biweek complete cleaning



Send Message Landlord

Total Listing 1

Languages Italiano, Castellano, Français, English, Catalá, Português

I’m an Italian person who lived 8 years in Argentina, introverted, shy, intelligent, friendly, realistic, gentlemanly, educated. I’m absolutely legal in the Kingdom of Spain. I like poetry, romantic ballads in Castilian, Catalan, Portuguese, French, Italian & English (da other musical genres don´t belong 2 me). I'm a neat guy, I like 2 have conversations ´bout different topics, laugh, movies & original subtitled series, exotic restaurants, readin´ ´bout history, politics & chronicles, computer science, technology, da etymology of languages, museums & much more. I like art in all its forms; I dislike goin´ out 4 shopping but 4 travel (tourism). Political trends: pure left. I dislike clubbing’s (I don´t usually like livin´ da nite). Food habits: White meat (pork is red) roasted, natural or boiled vegetables. I avoid fried meals, onion, pepper, broth and soup. I drink juices fruit, unsweetened & decaffeinated soft drinks (when available); no brand near beer (without alcohol), decaffeinated sweetened cappuccino, cold tea sugar free, ColaCao sugar free wz skimmed milk & wz sweetener. As alternative: malt wz skimmed milk and sweetener, toast fat reduced & sugar free jam fruit. I´m a no smoker (cannabis as well) & an abstemious. I´m a computer literate Windows Ten Preview release expert & passionate of Android 8 (last 1 I got). I´m an environmentalist & in favor of da male-female rights equality. Anyway, I´m simple & good people. 1 of my favorite slogans: UNTIL ALWAYS!


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Available from Oct 4, 2024
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